Wednesday, February 19, 2014

University of Maryland Marketing Professor Bill Rand Believes Social Media is an Effective Marketing Tactic

Whereas some people may see social media as a fun activity or a waste of time, others see it as a business tool. Professor Bill Rand teaches an electronic marketing course at Maryland and a strong believer in social media as a method of campaign.

Social Media Reaches A Wide Audience in a Short Amount of Time

Times have changed and the Internet has become a major part of everyday life. Traditional marketing tactics such as handing out flyers and setting up tables with information can only go so far. Now that people are always on the go and hustling and bustling through their busy schedules, the Internet and social media is where people are turning to for their news and entertainment.

Advancements in Marketing Particularly Affect College Communities

College students are a large portion of social media users, so it only makes sense that it would be effective to reach students through sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Students are more likely to browse their newsfeed while taking homework breaks than they are to stop and chat with you about a brand or product on their way to class.

Questions for Expert:

1.  Have you noticed an increase in the use of social media to promote products and brands? If so, why do you think the method has become popular so effective?
2.   Do you think using social media to promote products and brands is more effective on college campuses versus other age groups? Why/why not?
3. Why is it more effective to use social media rather than handing out flyers or other forms of advertising?
4.  Do you think specific companies have more success with social media versus other ones?

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